Friday, January 4, 2008

Thing One and Thing Two....

What fun and yippee! I must say that I really, really enjoyed this whole experience. I know that I will absolutely use many of the things I discovered in these exersizes, most notably many of the Google applications (I LOVE my gmail account and all of the bells and whistles that go with it.I am sure that if I hadn't signed up for a bloglines account I never would have gotten another email address) I have used a few times and hope that when push comes to shove, I'll remember to use it with patrons as I move forward. I haven't gone back to Second Lie, largely because I see it as a great time suck - a lot of fun, no doubt, but I don't have time to play with my Wii, heck, I hardly have time to play with my DOG, so that'll have to wait for a long convalescence or unemployment. YouTube consistently gets used, and I ended up setting up accounts and saving videos for my husbands nieces and nephews in Jordan. Some things require no translation.
I suppose that part of the point of this whole exersize was not just in exposing us to all of the new(er) options in information gathering, but to help us become more familiar/comfortable with the entire 2.0 mentality, and to that end, and for me, these 23 things were invaluable. Would I do it again with 23 different "Things" ? Absolutely. Wind me up and watch me go. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to stay in the loop as it were...
It's funny, I was at several holiday parties before leaving on vacation, and whenever the topic of discussion moved to libraries people remarked how much the face of libraries has changed to incorporate the new technologies. It's nice to know that people notice things like downloadable audiobooks and playaways, and are interested in using them.
I'd like to thank Maura and Rebecca for their help and encouragement, and the administration and the Friends for their support.

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